Call for Ideas
Project at a glance
YTS Vision for change 2015 ‘Call for Ideas’ is a joint initiative in collaboration with Sahayeta. org, an alliance of professional Nepalese in The United States of America. The main objective of this program is to create a positive change within Nepalese community through youthful innovation. Call for Ideas is not only a way to help the affected Nepalese population, it is also a platform for young people to become pioneers of sustainable change by switching up Nepal’s current socioeconomic dynamics. We encourage the global youth to explore and develop compelling ideas, identify and refine their structures and make that vision a reality.
The objective of this program is to develop the creative minds of young people by letting them lead the change through unconventional methods that are relevant to post-disaster Nepal. It is a challenging task to generate livelihood for oneself and for the rest of the community members and this is exactly why this program is exclusively for young people.
The five thematic areas in which youth can present their ideas and compete are: 1. Public Health 2. Agriculture 3. Tourism 4. Education 5. Information Technology We are looking for sustainable solutions to generate opportunities in Nepal. Social innovation has the power to bring unprecedented positive changes in every country, and this venture aims to do just that. The ten most promising proposals will receive an initial funding of NRs. 50,000. Further five of the most impactful ideas amongst the ten will receive 2 million Nepalese rupees in form of either grant or investment. The Project Officers will be mentored by experts of the respective thematic areas till the execution of the project is completed.
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