Sapanako Computer
Computers from dust to dream
Project at a glance
In the era of technical advancement, the use of computers and other electronic gadgets have become common. It has been a habit or even necessity at some times for the urban population to update their gadgets regularly and often keep aside the old ones that are no longer in use. While the computer studies have been included in curriculum of schools from the primary grades, yet many of the public schools of Nepal lack well sacked libraries.
YTS in collaboration with Makura Creations conducts a campaign called Sapanko computer with an intention of uplifting the technological accessibility to the students in rural areas. The idea behind Sapanko computer is simple; donate your old computers instead of throwing them away! After collecting old computers that are no longer in use and repairing them if needed, we’ll be providing them to those students who have limited access to the information technology by building up a computer lab running form solar energy. With the long term vision to facilitate internet connectivity and make distance learning a reality in the remote villages of Nepal, Youth Thinkers’ Society has been running its Sapanako computer project in full pace.
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